“F*ck around and find out”

Hey Reader,

We all like the feel of certainty.

But sometimes, the best way to learn is to dive in—no guarantees, no perfect plan.

Most people like to wait for the “right time.”

They obsess over results before even starting.

But the biggest wins come when you take the leap and figure it out along the way.

Today, we’ll explore the art of stepping into the unknown and embracing the “fuck around and find out” mindset.

🗯️ A Lesson We Can All Learn From Simone Biles

Simone Biles is arguably the greatest gymnast of all time.

She’s won more medals than anyone in U.S. gymnastics history and pulled off moves so daring, they’ve been named after her.

She lives by the simple mantra—FAAFO. “Fuck around and find out.”

She doesn’t say it to be reckless.

She says it because the only way to know what’s possible is to try.

One of her signature moves was so risky that the judges were hesitant to score it fairly.

But she didn’t care.

She went for it anyway.

Because pushing boundaries isn’t about what’s safe. It’s about discovery.

A shot to figure out what you’re capable of beyond your limits.

🧠 Are You Overthinking Your Next Move?

Let’s talk about that moment right before you make a big decision.

You’ve got an idea, a bold move, or a potential opportunity staring at you.

But instead of acting, you pause.

You start running scenarios in your head.

At first, it feels productive: “I just need to weigh my options.”

But then, it spirals.

You find yourself imagining worst-case scenarios, questioning your timing, or getting caught up in details that don’t really matter.

Suddenly, days or weeks go by, and the opportunity is slipping further away.

That’s how overthinking sneaks in.

It doesn’t shout or announce itself, it creeps in quietly, disguised as caution or preparation.

And it shows up in a dozen little ways:

Redrafting an email five times before hitting send.

Spending hours researching instead of starting.

Waiting for someone else’s validation before moving forward.

You tell yourself you’re just being thorough.

But over time, it builds into something much bigger: hesitation, missed chances, and even stagnation.

Funny thing is overthinking is not about the problem here; it’s fear.

Fear of failure, fear of being wrong, fear of looking foolish.

And that fear? It’s valid. It’s part of being human.

But if you’re not careful, it will become your default mode.

And once that happens, you’re no longer competing with the market or your peers.

Your biggest competition becomes you.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

❤️ The Courage to Take The Leap

Fear only has power if you let it stop you.

What if you used fear to push you forward instead of holding you back?

Just by taking action anyway.

When you act despite fear, you start to trust yourself.

And that trust is a game-changer.

It’s what allows you to take risks without overthinking.

To move faster and adapt when things don’t go as planned.

This isn’t about being reckless, it’s being willing to step into the unknown—to “fuck around and find out.” To explore and learn.

Because when you do, you discover something powerful:

You’re more capable than you thought.

The setbacks you feared aren’t as bad as you imagined.

And the opportunities you gain far outweigh the risks.

This mindset can greatly transform your business, leadership, and life.

Because when you trust yourself to take action, you stop waiting for permission or perfect conditions.

You move with purpose, confidence, and momentum.

That’s how you record bigger wins.

🤲 A Practice for Action-Ready Leaders

Overthinking loves to hijack your mind.

But the best way to kill it isn’t to think less. It’s to act differently.

Here are practices to get you moving when your mind wants to freeze:

  1. Zoom out on the stakes: Close your eyes for a moment. Picture yourself standing on the edge of a diving board, high above a crystal-clear pool. What do you notice? The height feels intimidating. Your mind is racing with reasons to climb back down. But it’s just a pool. You’ll dive, swim to the surface, and move on. Now translate this to your decision: What’s the “pool” in front of you? Nine times out of ten, the stakes aren’t as big as your fear makes them out to be.
  2. Set a micro-bet: Elite performers thrive on strategy, so here’s a tactical twist: instead of jumping all in, what’s the smallest bold move you can make today to test the waters? Want to launch a new product? Post a teaser. Considering a shift in strategy? Make one tweak and measure the results. Don’t overthink the perfect action. Just take one step and let the feedback guide your next move.
  3. Time-box the hesitation: Set a 10-minute timer. No distractions. No excuses. Write down everything your overthinking brain is screaming at you. The fears, the doubts, the “what ifs.” When the timer hits zero, shut the notebook. No more thinking. Your next job is to take one action anyway—imperfect, messy, and bold.
  4. Debrief like a scientist: After the action, ask yourself: What did I learn? Did the world end? (Of course not) Did you learn something surprising? Did you uncover a direction worth pursuing? Reflect, adjust, and repeat.

The goal is to condition yourself to act faster than your doubts.

Over time, the hesitation that once held you back will shrink.

🎯 When Was the Last Time You FAAFO’d?

Tomorrow, I’ll be running the San Antonio marathon.

It’s not my biggest race.

It’s not like Leadville, where the stakes felt sky-high.

This race is more about curiosity than pressure.

It’s about testing my limits, seeing what I’ve got on the day, and embracing the unknown.

I’ll go out hard. I’ll push myself. I’ll fuck around and find out.

Will I beat my best time? Maybe.

Will it be messy? Probably.

But that’s the point.

I’m not playing it safe, I’m leaning into the challenge, learning as I go, and trusting that I’ll come out stronger.

So what’s your version of the marathon?

Where can you take a leap, see what happens, and grow from the experience?

Don’t overthink it, jump in, fuck around, and find out.

With appreciation,


P.S. Need a nudge to take that leap? Fear is the demon, but you can overcome it. This is a core part of my elite mastermind framework. Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to help you take on your next bold move with grit and confidence.

Huw Edwards

Founder & CEO, h3.xyz

Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free #75Hard Community: for those inspired to undertake the transformative #75hard program to build mental toughness for greater achievements. You also get to be surrounded with other overachievers at different levels of the program
  2. Later this year, I will be launching an exclusive new mastermind for founders and CEOs on how to become unstoppable, unfuckwithable, and unapologetically live up to your potential. I share 10 years of experience leading organizations, buying businesses, starting companies, and doing crazy endurance feats. This program sets the stage for a new era of empowered elite CEOs & entrepreneurs.

Book a free Clarity Call to see if you are fit for the program.

Unsubscribe | Preferences | 3707 N St Marys St, Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78212

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