Hey Reader,
Yes, you’ve won audacious goals and hit milestones some people only dream of.
But even your “big” goals might not be big enough.
Fear, past failures, or comfort zones can stop you from seeing a bolder version of your dream.
Many high performers hit a plateau not because they’ve hit their max, but because they haven’t dared to think beyond it.
Today, we’ll explore why your current vision might be too small, and how it’s keeping you from living up to your full potential.
🗯️ From Success to Significance
15 years ago, I had climbed the corporate ladder and made my way to the largest hedge fund in the world.
Yes, I was living what people would call a successful life.
I hit major milestones, recorded significant achievements, and accomplished goals.
I was drawing closer and closer to my vision.
But I realized the accolades, feats, and milestones were not really impacting anyone.
No one looked at these successes and said: “I met Huw, and everything started to change.”
They were more personal wins that benefited someone else’s vision.
I recall sitting in a conference one day, and someone next to me narrated a challenge and said:
“Huw, could you coach me through overcoming this challenge?”
That question sparked a deep dive into my vision beyond myself.
I saw a dream that was hungry to undo struggles and thirsty to change lives.
And I pursued that bolder version of my vision.
That dream has impacted the lives of high achievers and thought leaders.
Am I where I want to be yet?
Of course not.
But I am building a future one day at a time.
🧠 You’ve Hit Success But Have You Hit Your Vision?
There’s a funny thing about success.
You work hard and build your way up to being seen as successful.
But then, there’s a nagging question that sometimes gets buried in busyness.
“Is this all there is?”
You feel like you’re being boxed in by your past wins.
You’re already in the top tier; no one’s probably challenging you anymore.
The routine of success has made going beyond feel unnecessary or risky.
So slowly and subtly, the initial spark of ambition starts to feel more like a routine you’re managing rather than a mission you’re pursuing.
But the effects are hard to miss.
That quiet frustration, and subtle, nagging dissatisfaction shows up in how you lead, how you show up for others, and how you feel about yourself at the end of the day.
It’s like you’re moving forward, but with less drive, and less hunger.
And before you know it, you’re stuck in a cycle of succeeding, but not expanding.
Growing only within the same lines you’ve already drawn.
Is it possible you’ve settled for a vision that’s too small?
That you’ve capped what you’re capable of, just when you were getting started?
What if you’ve barely scratched the surface?
What if you’ve been aiming just a little too close to where it’s comfortable?
You’re successful but you feel unsuccessful.
A sign that your vision isn’t pushing you hard enough.
So the question is: Are you dreaming big enough?
❤️ See the Bigger Picture Beyond Yourself
Dreaming big is more than visualizing the next milestone or personal win.
It’s a vision that goes beyond your achievements to create a lasting impact beyond yourself.
It’s the real reason you started.
The drive to build something that matters, to change things not just for yourself, but for your team, industry, or community.
When you start seeing your work through that lens, the stakes change.
That’s where the bold, hungry, maybe a little feeling of impossible big picture lies.
You’ll realize your vision is braver than just hitting targets.
It’s big enough to create your legacy.
Feeling the responsibility of what you could leave behind moves you from chasing success to creating significance.
Something that people look back on and say, “That changed everything.”
It’ll test you, stretch you, and take you out of the familiar.
But embracing this kind of vision means letting go of limits, fear, playing small, and realizing the full scale of what you’re capable of.
🤲 Expand the Boundaries of Your Vision
Big dreams should feel intimidating, even a little scary.
That’s what makes them extraordinary.
Here are 3 ways you can connect to the bolder version of your dreams:
- Get clear on your legacy drivers: Take a moment to ask yourself not just “What do I want to achieve?” but “What do I want to be remembered for?” Choose a few core values that will define your legacy, then assess if your current actions and goals align with them. If not, course-correct.
- Stretch your dream: Imagine the biggest outcome you think you can achieve in the next five years and multiply it by ten. What would that vision look like if you removed every boundary of “realistic” thinking? Picture building a legacy that moves far beyond your life, something that could change people, inspire future leaders or even reshape an entire industry. It should look so big that you almost think it’s impossible. But well, it is possible.
- Seek out ‘Impossible’ mentors: Connect with people who are already pushing limits beyond what you can see in your current circle. Look out for the people whose achievements seem “impossible.” Study how they think, how they strategize, and how they stay committed. This step isn’t about copying them. This is how you expand your sense of possibility and absorb a mindset that won’t accept limits. If they’re unreachable, read their work, watch interviews, or even join mastermind groups where thinking big is a requirement. Groups that choose dominators over winners. That’s how you build the grit to make that big dream a reality at all cost.
🎯 Is Your Vision Bold Enough?
If your biggest dream came true tomorrow, will you feel you’ve done enough?
Or would there still be a feeling of something more?
Something bigger than you’ve ever allowed yourself to imagine?
Bigger than what your competition is chasing?
You’re an elite performer.
You can change things at a level few ever will.
So why not chase bigger dreams?
As Steve Jobs once said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
With appreciation,
P.S.: Your values help you create and achieve dreams that go beyond yourself. If you’re not clear on your values, you may not be using your gifts as a service to others. Struggling to get clear on your values? That’s a core part of my mastermind program. Reply to this email and I’ll be happy to walk you through mastering your values for greater impact.
Huw Edwards
Founder & CEO, h3.xyz